PinnedPublished inTDS ArchiveServerless Functions and Using AWS Lambda with S3 BucketsLearn how to build a Lambda function triggered by an S3 PUT event to sort files in an S3 bucket.Jan 4, 20213Jan 4, 20213
Published inThe StartupA Simple Guide to Automating Unit Tests in PythonIn 1999 a navigation error saw NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter crashing into the red planet’s atmosphere, and with it burnt years of…Oct 10, 2020Oct 10, 2020
Published inThe StartupConnecting Your Amazon ECS Setup to an External VPCIn my previous tutorials I have talked quite a bit about web app deployment and Elastic Container Service (ECS). Now let’s look at a…Sep 28, 2020Sep 28, 2020
Published inThe StartupNginx Meets Amazon ECS: Hosting Multiple Back-End Services Using a Single Load BalancerScalability is equally a key concept in software development as it is in business. We need to ensure that our systems can be made bigger…Sep 21, 2020Sep 21, 2020
Published inThe StartupDeploying a Dockerised Web App Using AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS)In an earlier tutorial we discussed how to deploy a web app on to an EC2 instance. However, it is not optimal to just have one copy of…Sep 15, 20201Sep 15, 20201
Deploying a Python Flask Web Application on AWS Cloud ☁️Deploying your web app onto cloud is easier than it sounds like. The AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud platform offers a range of utilities…Sep 13, 2020Sep 13, 2020
How to deploy a containerised Python web application with Docker, Flask and uWSGIEver wondered how to deploy a web application on your machine? It’s easier than you think. In this tutorial, we’ll build a simple web…Sep 12, 20201Sep 12, 20201